The 10 Best Reasons to Buy a Garden Shed


The 10 Best Reasons to Buy a Garden Shed

With spring finally here, the garden waking up from the winter sleep, the garden shed becomes a topic of considerations. A garden shed makes the garden an inhabited space, an extension of the house, and it can serve for a multitude of different, very meaningful usages. After all, a new room, for whatever purpose you may use it, will always also create a number of new options, new possibilities, new perspectives.

And it is hardly possible to create a safe, dry, and  very useful room in high quality any more cost effective than purchasing a prefabricated building kit for a wooden garden building as for example a summerhouse, a log cabin, a garden storage, a garden room or a garden shed.

Although there are many more very good reasons for purchasing one of our garden sheds, we have selected the best 10 of them for your consideration in the following article.

  1. Storage. This is more like 3 reasons in one word. Not only does proper storage prolong the life expectancy of the stored items, it increases safety, and it frees up valuable living space in your home. After all, wealth are possessions. These possessions open up possibilities. They are the real values, they can even serve as sustainable investments if – and only if – they are stored properly.
  2. Value of the property. A garden shed is a multi-purpose building and as such it is always valuable for every owner of the property. Some reasons for that are listed in this very article. It is a well known fact that properties with garden sheds are more easily saleable and attract higher prices.
  3. Shed-working. Working in a garden shed that has been converted into a home office is not only an option for creative start-ups and inventors, of which there are indeed many examples of people starting in a garden shed who made their companies global by now, but also for employees or freelancers working an office job for any greater company. With the internet connecting everything, there is no need to commute far distances every day to sit behind a screen and communicate through electronic messages with colleagues and customers in an office building when the same workstation in a garden office would serve exactly the same purposes. You are still at home but you are at work at a secluded work-place that you can fit exactly to your needs.
  4. Start-ups. If you make things, be it plant markers, jewellery, canoes or anything: the garden shed is the right place to build out to fit to all your needs. A wooden garden shed can easily be insulated for all year round usage, you can have workbenches at three sides, you will have room under the benches for storage, and might install shelves all around above the benches for even more storage. A computer and a small sound system may make the place even more comfortable and useful to communicate with others in your field or with customers and have some music in the background.
  5. Creativity. Not always does creativity need to lead into some way to make money. If you use your garden shed as a hobby room, you might find relaxation after work or on the weekends there with your favourite hobby. Artists use garden sheds as studios, craftspeople as workshops. And of course is programming, webpage creation, writing, teaching and the many things that can be done on the internet not less creative if you have a quiet, safe and comfortable room like an inhabitable garden shed at your disposal.
  6. Value for kids. Kids are always looking for places to play without getting on their parent’s nerves. The house with the precious furniture and so many things that might get broken always makes parents a bit nervous when kids are playing in the house. Kids feel this and start looking for alternatives. You can be sure that they will discover the garden shed as a playhouse and you might even be thankful to have some time for yourself while the kids are happily messing up your storage.
  7. Safety. Do kids leave all kinds of things and toys lying around in the backyard? Balls, self-made wooden guns and swords, bicycles and badminton rackets? Do you use care chemicals and gardening equipment in the garden? Having a garden shed to keep all these things save and dry at least during the nighttime will not only save the bikes from getting stolen, but also make sure that things that might pose a hazard to younger kids are well out of the way. Gardening tools should be kept locked away to prevent burglars from using them as tools for break-ins.
  8. Solitude. A garden shed can be made a garden room where you like to hang out on your own, get away from family, and the hectic of modern everyday life in the house. Make it a man-cave, a garden lounge, a yoga room, a private fitness centre, a garden sauna, or a meditation retreat. This little wooden building can easily be made everything you need in DIY-mode.
  9. Living space. You can use a garden shed as a holiday home somewhere out there in nature on a camping ground, on farm land, in a forest near a lake or a river, or in the dunes next to the beach. You can use it in your garden to make a guest room, a garden room, a teenager’s den. You might even use it as a tiny home to live in it permanently.
  10. Sanity. If you have any health issues or you just want to live a healthy lifestyle: A garden shed can do both. Gardening has been proven to improve certain issues like depressions, chronic pain, anxiety, and other stress related health issues. Saunaing has been proven to improve bodily defence and help with deep relaxation. A fitness room readily available in your garden, a wellness oasis, a meditation room, a garden lounge for your little daily holiday after work on the veranda.

All free of charge, no entrance fees, no rent and very little costs for maintenance and so many options to improve your quality of life, get rid of health issues and become more content and happy. A garden shed is not just another thing that you can buy. It is a basket full of promising options to extend your reach on your own situation.

For any questions, please contact us or call Oliver at 020 3807 0369!


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