7 Plants to Avoid in Your Garden (And Safe Alternatives to Grow Instead)


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Creating a beautiful garden is every gardener’s dream, but not all plants are as harmless as they seem. Some common favorites can pose risks to your health, pets, or even the plants around them. Whether you’re spending long hours in your garden office or simply enjoying your outdoor space, it’s essential to know which plants to avoid and what safer alternatives you can grow instead. In this guide, we’ll walk you through 10 plants to steer clear of and suggest better options to help you maintain a stunning and worry-free garden.

1. English Yew

There are many reasons why people love cultivating English Yew in their backyards. First of all, they are tick and beautiful creating the perfect look for a dense and gorgeous set of shrubberies or hedges. Not to mention that they are glorious in wintertime and covered in snow because English Yew looks a little like pine. It also produces small, red berries that give it an extra Christmasy look.

Better Alternative: Bay laurel can provide a similar evergreen look and is safe.

2. Devil’s Trumpet

The name alone should give you a clue that this particular flower shouldn’t really be in your garden. This is a shame because Devil’s Trumpet produces a set of beautiful, white flowers that would look great in a vase in your small garden office.

However everything about this flower is poisonous. Its leaves, flowers, and seeds have a very high amount of poison which can prove deadly if ingested. In fact, specialists warn about not even smelling the flowers because the smell alone can damage you. Therefore, Devil’s Trumpet is, in fact, considered a weed.

Better Alternative:  Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia)
Angel’s Trumpet looks similar to Devil’s Trumpet with its large, trumpet-shaped flowers but comes in softer, pastel shades. While it is mildly toxic, it’s significantly less dangerous than Devil’s Trumpet and can be enjoyed safely if handled with care.

3. Lily of the Valley

Yes, you read that correctly. What are these beautiful flowers doing on the list of dangerous plants for me and my small garden office you might ask? Well, as gorgeous as they are, the plants are insanely toxic. Specialists report that ingesting any part of this plant, be it the flowers, leaves or stems will alter the rhythm of your heart, blur your vision, and stress your digestive system.

And even if you don’t ingest them, they are still a nuisance. In fact, lily of the valley is so poisonous, it cannot be grown together with other flowers because the earth it lives in becomes toxic for other plants as well. Therefore, lilies of the valley? Better not!

Better Alternative:  Lilyturf (Liriope muscari
Lilyturf is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that produces small, spiky purple flowers and lush green foliage. It’s non-toxic, making it a safer alternative to Lily of the Valley for your garden.

4. Monkshood

Here’s another beautiful flower that you might be tempted to decorate your small garden office with. Monkshood produces tall, purple blossoms that look a bit like irises. However, if we were to rank garden flowers according to how toxic they are, monkshood would take the cake for sure.

The flower has not one but several toxins that are deadly if ingested. They can cause heart attacks as well as deadly respiratory failures. Apart from that, specialists warn never to handle monkshood with your bare hands because simply touching it is dangerous for the skin.

Here’s a fun fact. Monkshood is also known as wolfsbane. If that sounds familiar that’s because ‘wolfsbane’ is the name of a potion in Harry Potter used against werewolves!

Better Alternative:  Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)

Siberian Iris provides a similar aesthetic with its tall, elegant, purple-blue flowers. Unlike Monkshood, it’s safe to grow and adds a touch of class to your garden office area without the danger.

5. Rhubarb for your small garden office

Here’s another one that might surprise you. We’re sure that you’ve had rhubarb pie or cobbler before. So how can it be dangerous for you? It’s simple, really. The red stalks that people use to cook and bake with are sweet and delicious. They’re also safe to eat.

However, it’s the leaves that are very rich in oxalic acid. Should you eat them, you would feel your mouth and throat burning. After which, once in your system, they will cause your kidneys to fail and make you feel nauseated. The leaves can also be deadly provided you eat enough of them, so just make sure you pay attention when handling rhubarb!

Better Alternative: Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)
Swiss chard has similar colorful stalks and leafy greens, offering both an aesthetic and edible addition to your garden. It’s completely safe to handle and consume, making it a great substitute for Rhubarb.

6. Oleander

Here’s another very beautiful yet very dangerous flower. Oleander is, in fact a bush that might look extremely pretty next to your small garden office. It produces dark green leaves that look almost lacey as well as large blooms that come in creamy white, yellow, pink, and red. Not to mention that the flowers smell like apricots.

However, the entire oleander plants is extremely poisonous. If you eat just a small quantity of its flowers, leaves or the black nuts it makes, you will vomit and die very quickly.

Apart from that, oleander bushes are not to be handled with your bare hands because any contact with its flowers or its leaves will give you rashes and irritations. You should also not burn oleander bushes and inhale the smoke because it’s very toxic.

Better Alternative: Mock Orange (Philadelphus coronarius)

Mock Orange produces fragrant white blossoms that smell like oranges or jasmine. It’s non-toxic and an excellent alternative for anyone looking for a beautiful flowering shrub to brighten their garden.

7. Castor bean

They are perennials and they look extremely dramatic with their red blooms. But be aware because the small, red thorns are nature’s way of warning you to keep clear of the Castor bean plant!

The entire flower is rich in deadly ricin. The seeds have the highest concentration so make sure you don’t come into contact with them. You are also advised to stay away from the pollen this plant produces because it causes bad allergies.

What about you? Do you have any of these dangerous plants in your garden? If so, how do you handle them? Or were you planning on planting them next to your garden office or your veranda? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Better Alternative: Scarlet Sage (Salvia splendens)
Scarlet Sage features vibrant red blooms and is safe to grow. It attracts pollinators like bees and hummingbirds, making it a lively and beneficial addition to your outdoor space.